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The following commands are related to punishments.

/kick [member] "reason" Kicks the specified member from the server with a provided reason.

/mute [member] [seconds] "reason" Temporarily mutes the member for the specified duration and reason.

/unmute [member] Unmutes the specified member. [ADMINISTRATOR+]

/muteinfo [member] Provides useful information related to a member's mute status.

/ban [member] "reason" [time] Bans the specified member with a reason and time. (example: 3d 20m 59s) [MODERATOR+]

/unban [member] Unbans the specified member. [MODERATOR+]

/ci [member] Resets the specified members inventory. [MODERATOR+]

/resetplayer [member] Resets the specified members playerdata. [ADMINISTRATOR+]

/clear i [radius] Clears items dropped off the ground based on radius. [MODERATOR+]

/forcedismount [member] Removes a vehicle from their vehicle. [MODERATOR+]

/dva [member] Enables or disables a members ability to enter and use a vehicle. [MODERATOR+]

/wipevault [member] [vault] Wipes a specifics member vault. [ADMINISTRATOR+]

/gdel I am unsure the arguments for this command, if you do let me know. [ADMINISTRATOR+]