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How To: Reset a Member

The following steps are to resetting a member completely

Patching the Exploit

  • Work with the team, to figure out new prices

In-game Steps

/wreck find where their base is located and wreck all of it.

/clear i 20 clear the items off the ground.

/resetplayer steamID64 reset the members inventory.

Out of Game Steps

Contact a Leader to do the following steps:

Step 1. Copy the member steamID64
Step 2. Login to the "cloud"
Step 3. Click on the CitrusBalances table and search for using their SteamID aka steamid64 and set their balance to 0.00
Step 4. Click on the feli_rocketmod_virtualgarage_vehicles table and search again for based on the PlayerID column aka steamid64 and delete all those that appear
Step 5. Click on the LYHMESurpriseCrates table and search for using their SteamID aka steamid64 and set their CrateID and Amount to 0
Step 6. Click on the LYHMESurpriseKeys table and search for using their SteamID aka steamid64 and set their KeyID and Amount to 0
Step 7. Click on the PlayerStats_31023 table and search for using their PlayerID aka steamid64 and delete the row that appears
Step 8. Click on the SherbetVaults_Items table and search again for based on the PlayerID column aka steamid64 and delete all those that appear
Step 9. Successfully reset a member back to 0.